Abs in 3...2...1!
After a summer of travel, it’s taken me a while to get back into the swing of things with my workouts. I definitely see some changes in my body and add the extra - and often - sugary desserts (mmm, chocolate cake!), and it’s time to get back into the kind of health regimen that helps me feel my best.
I’ve recently shifted my daily meal constructs (see What I Eat In A Day), and have slowly been integrating specific and concentrated workouts back into my weekly schedule; one of which, is:
core work!
I’ve enlisted my Chicago-based trainer,
(from Right Angle Fitness Company)
to help walk us through one of my favorite ab circuits!
(*Click on the above names for their hyperlinks!*)
(Also, Guys, I hate doing crunches, but when they are compounded in this way, I’m more inclined to take the extra 10 minutes to knock ‘em out!)
Abs in 3…
The Table Top Trio
This Table Top Position will be your starting point for all 3 exercises.
Helpful Tips To Remember:
Keep lower back engaged.
Sacrum should be aligned with the floor at all times. Try not to arch your back towards the ceiling.
Pull belly-button in towards the floor.
This is the most difficult part for me! I have to keep imagining that I’m trying to pull my belly button in towards my spine.
Check in with your positioning.
Elbows = behind ears
Shoulders = up off the floor + down away from your neck
Neck = elongated, with chin pointing up (not curled into chest)
Knees = directly over hips
Starting from that Table Top Position, we slowly move into each of the below, one position at a time:
Position 1: Same Side Oblique Crunch (3 sets of 15)
With all of the previous tips in place, slowly reach your right elbow towards your right knee and hold. Remember to keep your knees stationary and try not to simultaneously pull your knee towards your elbow (which will lessen the effect of the crunch)! Switch to the other side. 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.
Position 2: Bicycle Crunch (3 sets of 15)
This time, slowly reach your right elbow to your left knee and hold. A good marker is to have your elbow and knee meet over your belly button and exhale. While doing so, lower the other leg, but do not rest it on the ground. Alternate legs. 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.
Position 3: Single Leg Stretch (30 secs)
Return to the Table Top Position and keep shoulders up and off of the ground. Slowly alternate legs down - without touching the ground - for a timed period of 30 seconds.
Abs in 2…
The Lay-Flat Duo
This Lay Flat Position will be your starting point for both exercises.
Helpful Tips To Remember:
Continue to keep lower back engaged.
Sacrum should be aligned with the floor at all times.
Again, pull belly-button in towards the floor.
Pull...pull…pull :)
Keep legs up off of the ground at all times.
..and pointed! In order to engage leg muscles.
Position arms down by your sides and engage them.
Push palms into the floor and keep shoulders up off of the ground and pulled downwards.
Starting from this Lay Flat Position, slowly move into each position, one at a time:
Position 1: Double Leg Stretch (3 sets of 12)
From the engaged lay-flat position, slowly bring both knees - pressed together - towards your chest. Pause half-way at the Table Top Position and then, lower. Remember to keep legs and shoulders up and off of the ground at all times. 3 sets of 12 reps in total.
Position 2: Reverse Curl (3 sets of 12)
Same as above but, instead of pausing, keep pulling knees towards the chest. At the final moment, lift glutes off of the floor to give abdominals that final squeeze. Lower down, without resting legs or shoulders on the floor. Repeat. 3 sets of 12 reps in total.
Abs in 1…
The V-Up
(So effective, it’s in a class all its own!)
Position: V-Up (3 sets of 10)
This mimics the same engaged lay-flat position as above, except, arms are lengthened upwards above the head. Spine remains aligned with the floor.
Slowly reach your arms and legs, both straightened, towards each other in a ‘V’ position and try to reach for your toes. In an ideal V-Up, the upper part of your body should be raised as high as possible while keeping lower back on the ground. Hold. Carefully lower both arms and legs to the ground without resting either. Repeat. 3 sets of 10 reps.
Abs in 3…2…1…and you’re done!
Try this core series 3x this week and see what you think! x