My Clean-Eating Pantry List
This stay-at-home thing is tempting me to go back to my sugar-and-chocolate-and-chips-all-day-every-day ways and
I ain’t GON’ DO IT…(no mo’). 😩
So, if you’re right there with me, then the focus is to keep our immune systems up and our bodies at optimal health, so that we are doing all that we can to protect ourselves and prevent the COVID-19 spread ❤️. So, of course, this begins with the way that we fuel and nourish our bodies!
LOve dragon-fruit!
To make it easy for us, I created a quick nutrition-focused pantry list below for easy stock-up. This list is more pantry-based so that it has a longer shelf-life for those who really want to (or have to) self-quarantine for extended periods of time!
P.S. Check out My 10 Favorite Pantry Meal Ideas that you can easily make from the items below!
My Clean-Eating Pantry List
Quick Note: in general, if you are able go for wild, cold-pressed, 100% pure or non-GMO/organic options with any of these, it’s always the cleaner choice! But, please feel free to shift this list, as needed, to your particular necessities + preferences - as this is just a guideline, to start!
Lastly - these are technically not considered pantry items, but they have a lengthy fridge-life and are so versatile in the many ways you can use them:
Fresh Ginger Root
Whole Onions
Dried Figs
Citrus Fruits, including Kiwi + Dragon Fruit (pictured above - so high in fiber, antioxidants, fiber + magnesium!)
Quarantine Hacks
Bananas - freeze them. I’m just saying. Put them in smoothies, oatmeal or desserts like this ‘nice cream’. Easy.
Water - instead of bottled water, try a faucet filter or a filtered pitcher = endless, clean water. In pressing cases, you can boil your tap water and it’s perfectly drinkable - but the lead isn’t easily removed from the water this way, so it would be a last, (but usable!) resort.
Produce - Aim to use produce/fridge items first. Since the self-life is quicker on those, it’s better to leave the non-perishables until you have to shelter-in-place 24/7. But until then, enjoy!
Meal Prep - If you need a time-saver, this is it. If you are able to, designate days during the week to put on some music and cook it out! You’ll be hugging yourself, especially on those days where you feel like a quarantine-zombie.
Have Fun! - the sweeteners + spices I shared above can do so much to put a spin on food:
Beans + grains? Try currying lentils or garbanzo beans. Or use the spices above to make a mean chili like this one. :)
Boring oatmeal? Add some dates, mulberries, nut butter, frozen fruit + a little vanilla extract! Here’s another oatmeal idea!
Regular stews/crockpot meals? A little coconut sugar will help blend flavors, citrus fruits like lemons/limes will zest + brighten up dishes and don’t underestimate the power of a good dash of hot sauce!
The ‘mix-and-matchability’ on the above items are endless in order to punch up the flavor and keep meals interesting!
Wishing you full bellies + hearts. x